Monday, August 9, 2010

Emotions on steroids... Twilight

Twilight by Stephanie Meyers is about a teenage girl named Bella Swan who moves into a new town and is fascinated by some exotic looking people called the Cullens. Through some not so subtle hint dropping and research Bella is able to figure out that the Cullens are vampires, albeit ones who only drink animal blood. The only problem is that she loves one of the Cullens named Edward and being in love with a vampire is... unnatural. Edward is very attractive, smart, funny... you know, the qualities of a vampire. Edward is as equally fascinated with Bella and they have this forbidden relationship with each other with Edward trying to to eat Bella and Bella trying not to explode with emotion. Eventually some nasty vampires come to town and they start hunting Bella.
I have to give Stephanie Meyers some credit. It is an interesting and creative story if nothing else. I enjoyed the suspense and mystery of the interaction with the opposing vampire coven. However, I have a hard time believing that Bella could be so emotionally volatile all the time. When she is not defining Edward using the word "granite" she is talking about some other physical attribute. She is running 150% emotions all the time... which made the story hard for me to read. I did find, however, the the book glamorizes being a vampire so much that I found myself wanting to be one a few times. That is the true romance of the book.

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